Just'nCase by Confitex Blog - Bladder Leakage, Heavy Periods, Endometriosis, Menorrhagia and more…



*Stock photo. Posed by model




*Stock photo. Posed by model


We tackle the tricky topics around periods, pee and other unpredictable female fluids

The Latest

  • Living with incontinence can be a lonely and isolating experience. But sometimes knowing you’re not alone makes all the difference. About one woman in every three experiences some degree of bladder leakage – we just don’t talk about it. So we asked one, Sarah, to share her story...
  • Bladder leakage (aka urinary incontinence) affects one in three women and one in ten men, often as a result of surgery, childbirth or other trauma. So why don’t we ever hear about it? Why are we afraid of talking about one of the most common medical conditions affecting people around the world today?  
  • The heavy truth about light bladder leakage

    Sneezing. Lifting. Running. Laughing. Stretching. Do any of those words give you, or someone you know, a touch of anxiety that you might accidentally wee a little? For many people, the onset of incontinence brings with it symptoms that are not dissimilar to depression.