Living with incontinence can be a lonely and isolating experience. But sometimes knowing you’re not alone makes all the difference. About one man in every five experiences some degree of bladder leakage as they age* – we just don’t talk about it. So we asked one, Tom, to share his story...

“I was 52 years old when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was at work one day when I experienced a burning sensation whilst trying to urinate.

“I thought it was just a urinary tract infection and started to drink a lot of water with the intention to make an appointment with my GP. However, a few hours later I had to go home because now my bladder was becoming painful after drinking so much water and not being able to urinate.

“By the time the ambulance arrived to take me to A&E, I was in excruciating pain. A catheter was used to empty my bladder. A week or so later, I had a biopsy and it was confirmed that I had prostate cancer.

“After the operation and despite all the exercises, I never recovered complete control of my bladder and I leaked constantly. It became very difficult for me to come to terms with these problems. I did not feel comfortable laying in the same bed with my wife. I was reluctant to prepare food for other people. I could not go out to family occasions and feel comfortable wearing incontinence pads. I was always conscious of consuming any amount of alcohol as this exacerbated my incontinence. I wanted my own bedroom and bathroom.

“I had no confidence in incontinence pads because of the odour and the pants did not hold you within the pad area so you would end up with embarrassing wet patches showing through your trousers.

“The incontinence aids I was given in hospital were very basic. So, once discharged, I had to investigate what was available on the market to help me manage bladder leakage in the most effective and unobtrusive manner. I tried almost every kind of pants and pads available. I bought disposable pads, disposable pants combined with pads, washable white briefs with built-in plastic protectors, and washable boxers. Now don’t get me wrong, these products might be suitable for some people who either have severe leakage or are doubly incontinent, but I only have moderate bladder leakage and I wanted a product for just that.

“I finally found that product, I found Confitex incontinence briefs. With these briefs you are held into the position where the built-in pad absorbs the urine, you are able to drip freely without storing up stagnant urine. Now I feel absolutely confident to go anywhere and dress how I like without worries.”

We would like to thank Tom (not his real name) for sharing his powerful story with us. We don’t want

bladder leakage (incontinence)

to hold you or your loved ones back, which is why we designed Confitex for Men underwear with freedom in mind.

If you think your story might be helpful to others please let us know by emailing us in confidence on Thank you!

* Source:

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